Thursday, July 14, 2016

Dragon Quest - The Adventure of Torneco 3: Popolo.

Legendary weapons merchant heir

Popolo, annoying pet

Ilustraciones de Dragon Quest Characters - La gran aventura de Torneko 3: El calabozo misterioso1.

Tarik2 es el hijo de Torneko Taloon3, el mercader de armas legendario

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Popolo, interview

Popolo, wild party

Popolo, personal adventure log

Ilustrations de Dragon Quest Characters - La grande aventure de Torneko 3: Le donjon mystérieux1.

Achille2 est le fils de Torneko Taloon3, le marchand d'armes légendaire.

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Popolo, bodyguard

Popolo, private video

Popolo, gold shower

Illustrations from Dragon Quest Characters - The adventure of Torneko 3: The mysterious dungeon1.

Tipper2|4 is the son of Torneko Taloon3, the legendary weapons merchant.

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  1. ^ a b c Dragon Quest Characters - Torneco no Daibôken 3: Fushigi no Dungeon | Doragon Kuesuto Kyarakutâzu Toruneko no Daibôken Surî Fushigi no Danjon | ドラゴンクエストキャラクターズ トルネコの大冒険3 不思議のダンジョン (ドラゴンクエストキャラクターズ トルネコのだいぼうけんスリー ふしぎのダンジョン)。
  2. ^ a b c Popolo | Poporo | ポポロ。
  3. ^ a b c Bukiya Torneco | Bukiya Toruneko | 武器屋トルネコ (ぶきやトルネコ)。
  4. ^ Paulo in the Torneko: The last hope English translation.

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