Sunday, September 8, 2013

Marvel Comics: Gambit and Mary Purcell.

Ex-girlfriend of Gambit

Nueva Ilustración de los Hombres X.

Rémy LeBeau (Gambito) fue abandonado en la Antártida por los Hombres X. Habría muerto si no hubiera encontrado la fuente de energía que lo mantuvo con vida. Esa fuente energía es Mary Purcell, una mutante que desea unirse a Rémy para engendrar un hijo y encontrarle un motivo a su vida.

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Nouvelle Illustration des Hommes-X.

Rémy LeBeau (Gambit) était abandonné dans l'Antarctique par les Hommes-X. Il aurait été mort s'il n'avait pas trouvé la source d'energie qui l'a maintenu vivant. Cette source d'energie est Mary Purcell, une mutante qui veut s'unir à Rémy pour engendrer un enfant et trouver une raison d'être.

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New Illustration from the X-Men.

Rémy LeBeau (Gambit) was abandoned in Antarctica by the X-Men. He would have died had he not found the source of energy that kept him alive. This source of energy is Mary Purcell, a mutant who wishes to be joined with Rémy to procreate a child, thus finding a reason to her existence.

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No Doubt - Ex-girlfriend.

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I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend.

I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend.
I hope I hold a special place with the rest of them.
And you know it makes me sick to be on that list
but I should have thought of that before we kissed.

You say you're gonna burn before you mellow;
I will be the one to burn you.
Why'd you have to go and pick me
when you knew that we were different, completely?

I'm another ex-girlfriend on your list
but I should have thought of that before we kissed.

Your wildness scares me,
so does your freedom.
You say you can't stand the restrictions.
I find myself trying to change you;
if you were meant to be my lover I wouldn't have to.

And I feel so mean, I feel in between
'cause I'm about to give you away
for someone else to take.
Am I making a mistake?
All the time that we spent
I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girl, friend.

We keep repeating mistakes for souvenirs
and we've been in between the days for years
and I know that when I see you I'm going to die.
I know I'm going to want you and you know why,
it's going to kill me to see you with the next girl
'cause I'm the most gorgeously jealous kind of ex-girl.

But I should have thought of that before we kissed.

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